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Навіґативний ланцюжок


The strategic goal of the VIPCEM Companies in Ukraine is to provide our customers with high quality cement and concrete. The primary objective of the Procurement Department is timely and high-quality delivery of inventory and services.

Procurement Service economists work with suppliers and contractors to create a competitive market across all major procurement categories, where the main selection factor is to ensure the Group's needs: timeliness of delivery, quality of materials and services, pricing and performance management of suppliers and contractors. The company builds relationships with suppliers on a long-term and mutually beneficial basis, on transparent terms, in an atmosphere of trust and on the principles of partnership.

The following groups of commodities and services are in the area of our interests of purchasing: coal, natural gas, derivative raw materials for cement and concrete production, fuel and lubricants, repair services of the main technological equipment of cement plants, supplying of technological equipment, services on installation of mechanical equipment and systems, services on installation of electrical equipment and facilities of measuring instruments and automation, adjustment of the system of automated process control system and programming, construction and repair services for buildings and structures of the company, supply of electrical equipment, controllers, communications, IT infrastructure, design, as well as various business services (translation, stationery and household chemicals supplying, etc.).

Only accordingly selected suppliers are eligible to participate in the competitive procurement of the VIPCEM Group of Companies in Ukraine.

Potential suppliers are selected for each category of materials/services within which they would like to cooperate.

The relevant requirements for submitting proper documentation are set out in the files attached to this site.

The purpose of the vendor selection process is to:

  • providing a unified approach to all companies and organizations demonstrating their intention to partner with the VIPCEM Group of Companies in Ukraine as a provider of goods, works or services;
  • determination of sufficient technical, technological, financial, organizational capabilities of the supplier to fulfill it's obligations to the VIPCEM group of companies in Ukraine to supply goods, works or services, as required by the Customer.

Potential vendors can send the best deals, as well as comercial offers to our email/fax or post-mail (before sending please make sure that the size of your email letter can be transmitted/received by the mail server and there are no malicious links and content that can damage): Tender.Ukraine@dyckerhoff.com

Sova Oleksandr

Purchasing Director

Purchasing service

Mailing address:


26, Pyrohivskyi shliakh Str, Kyiv, 03083, Ukraine

the recipient: Purchasing service

e-mail: Tender.Ukraine@dyckerhoff.com